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Words that cannot saved in Notepad

Sunday, 29 November 2009
Notepad is the standard utility to create the simple document in windows,besides Wordpad. I prefer choose this program to the small case rather than other program similary.

This program also has expanable other function needs. ex: to create html website, create system registry, movie subtitle, DOS command, etc.even Viruses can be created by this program. ^.^

But did you know, thats some secret in Notepad, which some text cannot be saved there? :D

If you're not sure, just try to type this text in your blank page in Notepad: bill fed the goats then save the file. Now reopen this document and see what happens... :D 

The other words that can't saved: bill sux dog dicks  <
Now, you will able to guess somethin, WHAT or WHY the words couldnt saved. is just because remember WHO is the people behind this name >>. "Bill" (Bill Gates)

See Hidden Feature In Adobe Photoshop

Sunday, 15 November 2009
I've tried this in Adobe Photoshop CS and CS2. How it works? and What its happen? ^_^

Now go to: Help > about Photoshop..

remember it well what you've just seen, now close the screen and re-open the menu with this combination on keyboard: ALT+CTRL . Hold that key, then once more go to Help > about Photoshop..

If correct, the screens will show the Adobe Space Monkey  :-D

How to boost internet speed in XP

Thursday, 22 October 2009
If you're using Windows XP Home edition or Win XP Profesional. This trick may useful to speed up your internet bandwith. ;-)

In windows xp, there's a service named QoS ( Quality of Service), which are using to assure whether your network working well or not. But in the fact, it thats all are not too useful, because it may cuts internet bandwitdth until 20%. If you're not sure just compare it well before / after this trick  :-D

The trick are very simple:

1. Just go to Start > Run > type gpedit.msc. Hit enter
2. Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > QoS Packet Scheduler 
3. Double click Limit Reservable Bandwidth
4. Check Enable, then put value 0% .OK


1.  Go to Control Panel > Local Area Connection
2. Go to properties. In tab General, uncheheck the QoS options .OK

1. Type about:config in firefox toolbar. then hit enter.
2. The configuration will appear. To change the parameter double click the setting
3. If the data inputs below doesnt exist. Just add it with right click > New. (for the number value choose interger. For the true/false choose boolean.

- set: network.http.pipelining: true
- set: network.http.proxy.pipelining: true
- set: network.http. pipelining.maxrequests: 64
- set: ngelayout.initialpaint.delay: 0 (if doesn exist, create it)
- set: trim_on_minimize: true

- set: network.http.max-connections: 64
- set: network.http.max-connections-per-server: 21
- set: network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server: 8
- set: network.http.http.pipelining: true
- set: network.http.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 100
- set: network.http.proxy.pipelining: true
- set: ngelayout.initialpaint.delay: 0

- set: browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl: true
- set: browser.xul.error_pages.enabled: true
- set: network.http.max-connections: 32
- set: network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy: 8
- set: network.http.http.pipelining: true
- set: network.http.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 8
- set: network.http.proxy.pipelining: true
- set: plugin.expose.full_path: true
- set: signed.applets.codebase_principal_support: 0
- set: content.interupt.parsing: true
- set: content.max.tokenizing.time: 3000000
- set: content.maxtextrun: 8191
- set: content.notify.backoffcourt: 5
- set: content.notify.interval 750000
- set: content.notify.ontimer: true
- set: content.switch.threshold: 750000
- set: network.http.max-connections-per-server: 8

How to Boost the program launch

Saturday, 17 October 2009
Here's the trick to boost speed when you launch the program on windows xp.
Right click on the program shortcut. then add this command in the end: [space]prefetch:1

then hit Enter. ;-)

How to repair flashdisk that not detected

Friday, 16 October 2009
There's several cause that makes flashdisk being not detected / hidden. It may cause by some viruses, the flashdisk has broken, or hidden by system setting.

In this case, i'll tell the simple way to turn back the flashisk drive that not detected in your computer. So dont haste to take for assumption that your flashdisk has broken! :-) better to check it first.

In my experience, theres 1 simple way to do (plug your flashdisk first), go to Task Manager or CTRL+ALT+DEL .Then go to File > New Task (run).. type explorer.exe in the box. Press OK.

Then restart your pc.. :-D

How to create "Deadly" shutdown

Wednesday, 14 October 2009
What happens if your computer always shutdown or restart repeatly everytime you turn on your pc? ;-))
Maybe your pc has infected from some viruses OR has been tricked by some person :-D


What is autorun? This is command on windows xp system that allow any command / programs run automaticly as the computer starts. In other words, there's nothing program that could'nt run automaticly if theres put in command into it. yeah NOTHING! except the commands is wrong or empty.
In this case, i'll use this autorun function to doing some tricky purpose. hehehe...:-D
The victims from this trick will found it the computer not stop to shutdown / restart whenever they turn on their pc...
To doing this trick, we'll create some shutdown or restart function in hardisk first.
Now, just right click mouse on desktop, then choose New > Shortcut > type this command: SHUTDOWN.exe -s -t 01 .This will create the SHUTDOWN function.
SHUTDOWN.exe -r -t 01 .This will create the RESTART function.
Then click next and finish. The name of shortcut you just created was shutdown.exe (you can rename it whatever you like, but i just leave it anyway it is). Then you store that file in C: or wherever you like.
All you have to do now is put the command to execute that shutdown.exe file automaticly (autorun).
1. Go to Start > Run > type regedit

2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

3. In right of windows, right click mouse > New > Key. This will add new key string there

4. Double click that string, then: (value name: type whatever) (value data: type "location of the file + file name"). If your file locate in C: then type "C:\shutdown.exe"
5. Done...restart ;-)

NB: to turn it back normal, go to safe mode then delete the shutdown.exe. restart

Lens Effects on Facebook

Tuesday, 13 October 2009
as you login to your facebook account. press this combination in keyboard: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, ENTER

Then go to Home menu and wherever you press on mouse/keyboard button, see what happens ;~p

Manipulate boot.ini file to trick startup logon

Sunday, 12 July 2009
Boot.ini is the system file that functions to boot and logon into windows operation system when computer has begin to turned on. Exactly it located on C://

On normal mode in windows this file was hidden by system. But you can find it as you uncheck the hidden option in folder option menu. ^_^

In windows explorer go to
tools > folder options .
- In view menu, check Show Hidden files and folder radio button.
- Uncheck
Hide extentions for known file types
- Uncheck
Hide protected operating system file . then hit apply.
Now back to topic bout boot.ini file :-) ,besides has funtions to logon into windows, in some case with some modification or adding some simple code script may turn it into joke program. Sometimes i also trying this to my friend's computer in office to trick them..heheheh...just for fun only..not to destroy...this is still some low case only..no need to call "polisi apalagi intelegen".wkwkwk...:-D

Is this virus? i answer it yeah or maybe not..just answer it whatever you like as you try it by your self..^_^ hehe..

First thing you have to do is be sure to back up this boot.ini file before you try this trick, because this original boot.ini file is a simple way to turn back your computer status into normal as before. ^_^

Now lets begin. :-D

- Double click
boot.ini file that located in C://
- As open, try to find this script there:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Micro soft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /noguiboot

- Change it into this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="halo..halo...halo...apa kbr..."
The final result before you save and close it, the codes are going like this:
[boot loader]

default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOW S[operating systems]
apa kbr..."
apa kbr..."
apa kbr..."
- timeout=1000 (the greater of this value will make your computer take a long time to logon. The standard timeout from windows sets on 30. What will becoming if this value are sets into 100000000?? haha... i also dont know what happens. But maybe it works, maybe fail. coz maybe the windows system set the maximum value for this. But who knows, i also not ever try it..:-p)

- text "halo..halo..halo..apa kbr.." can be change into whatever words you wish to type it.

Actually with adding some script in there could make it be a dangerous / fatal program that could crashes your windows operation system. But im not to explain it this time. This is for fun only not to wreck anything..hehehe...
Yeahhh....doing well this job. then save it pal...:-D and quickly to restart your pc now.. Then.... see what happens...^_^

Just remember, to place the original boot.ini file to the location it was to turn back your pc into normal again.
Ndra Az

How to repair your missing .dll file

Saturday, 11 July 2009
DLL's (dynamic link library) bassically is the combination from executeable file that coming from programs that needed to runs in windows. But have you ever seen (when you start to run some program) then the pop up screen appears with this message: "System could not fine this DLL file" for example binkw32, maxkernl.dll, etc.. Generally its happens when your computer has been installed some new programs/application or other drivers that concerning with computer mishandling.

But not to worry, theres a trick to recall that missing dll file with regsrv32

To repair the missing dll, simply go to:
- Start > Run > type regsrv32 [space] [the missing dll name]
ex: regsrv32 urlmon32.dll. Then hit OK button.

With this command, the system will reactive that missing dll file. Hav a try...^_^

How to manually blacklist website address

Friday, 10 July 2009

There're many softwares that could block your access to some websites. But actually theres some ways to do it without any softwares. You also can to do it with IE. But this time i'll explain the other tricks to doing with system32.. ^_^

To the point we do it so:

- Go to C://windows/system32/drivers/etc
- Find files named Hosts (this file doesnt has any format to open.But you still could open it..:-D)
- Double click that file. If the "open with" windows appear. Select the notepad program. Bingooo....you've opened that file...congrat...hehehe...lol
- As you can see there..find the last text on the below there. that types with: localhost
- Just adding some website address that you want to block access to that site. For example, you want to put www.frienster.com into your blacklist website.
Type this in the below after. type www.friendster.com
- Save it with ctrl+s then restart your computer.

NB: You can add as many as blacklists address. Just remember to sort in every row below. start in . Then and goes to next...

How to check whether conficker infected computer or not

Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Conficker , also known as Downup , Downadup and Kido , is a computer worm targeting the Microsoft Windows operation system that was first detected in November 2008. The worm uses a combination of advanced malware techniques which has made it difficult to counter, and has since spread rapidly into what is now believed to be the largest computer worm infection since the 2003 SQL Slammer . Conficker also known as a dangerous virus, but until now there's many removal tool that uses to clean this virus and their variant. some of them can find it here:

PCMAV conficker

Have you ever knowing there's a website that could possibly check your computer with some unique way. This site has an indicator that marked with some icons that appears or unappears on some icons if the computer positively infected by conficker. If you want to check your computer whether infected by
conficker or not, just go to this site:


As you enter that site.. then hit Check for infection text..^^ There's 6 boxes that indicated by 6 icons like this:

(if you can see 6 icons appears, it might that your computer has clear from conficker virus and their variant. But if some icons there are missing one or more, that indicate that your computer was infected by conficker)

This is How to interpret:

This indicate that your computer infected by conficker C variant

This indicate that your computer infected by conficker A/B variant

Theres some possible combination that indicated your computer status. But it is best to visit this and try it your self than hear and read what im saying here..heheheh...:D

How To Change Web Content

Friday, 15 May 2009
This script allow you to change any website content temporalily.. of course this isnt any deface tutorial or some hacking injection.

Just type this code to address bar in your webpage:
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

This simple script allow you to do this:

Before:(click pic below to show larger)


Bcauuse of this isnt deface tutorial so you can't change or take handle of that site deeply into their data base/Admin. But you can do it just for fun.. ;-p

How to Create Big Size's Empty File

Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Have you ever seen the unreadable file or suspicious file that has a really big size on it? The conclusion is whether its file that coming from program file, system file, some caches or files that created by people without any purpose. Just for fun only to crap/junk to full loaded your hardisk space only..hahaha.. yeah, sometimes im still doing that to my friend's computer. Of course its for just joke only..^o^

So How Create the empty file that has a large size?

- Open calculator program. go to Start > run > type calc
- Change the format to scientific calculator view > scientific. ensure the radio button Dec is checked.
- Now type the value whatever you like. It may 3-unlimited digits. But for this example i,ll type 700000000 in there.
- After that , check the Hex Radio button . And you'll see the value appear there was 29B92700. Note that value.

- Now go to cmd. Start > Run > type cmd > hit enter
- type debug [space] tes.dat. Then hit Enter. (the message "^error" will appear, just ignore it..)
- then type rcx > Enter
- enter value: 2700 > Enter (this value coming from the last four digits from Hex result=29B92700)
- then type rbx > Enter
- enter value: 29B9 > Enter (coming from four digits on front result)
- for the last, type w > Enter

All you have to do now just wait several minutes to complete the result :)

Open the file that has created. The location is in C:\Documents and Settings\YourCompName. As you see, the file size is up to 660mb! :-o

Of course you can create more size with input the different combination values in Calculator. That it..:D

How to "Black Screen" your Xp

Monday, 11 May 2009
have you tried to work in black screen mode in your xp? This may some solution if you're feel boring with your theme? wkwkwk.. lol

just press SHIFT+ALT+PRINT SCREEN on your keyboard then see wat happens ^o^

Boost your XP boot in 2 ways

Sunday, 10 May 2009
For the computer that has a lot of programs installed into or un-tweaking registry may affect to loading time waits.

Do your computer has long time waits to boot into?

This simple tricks may solve it.

Trick 1:
- Go to Start > run > type msconfig > hit Enter
- tap to boot.ini window
- check the /NOGUIBOOT value. Exit then restart your computer

- Open your notepad then type del c:windowsprefetchntosboot-*.*/q you save and name it with ntosboot.bat
- Now go to Start > run > type gpedit.msc > hit Enter
- As you enter, go to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts
- In right window right click shutdown option
- In shutdown properties, click Add > browse then locate your "ntosboot.bat" file
- Finish then restart your computer

How To Fake Processor Specification

Saturday, 9 May 2009
Be careful if you wanna buy a new or second hand's pc ;-) Some people may change their processor specification only from system registry. :D

To check whether the specification is fake or not you will able to check it with this utility Here


then back to topic ;-)
how to fake processor specification from registry?

Now open your registry.

- Start > Run > type regedit > hit Enter
- in the right of windows find the key named "processor string name" Double click that string.
- then you will able to rename the processor string watever specification you like ^o^
- close registry. Now check your processor specification in system properties. (Right click on MyComputer icon then click proterties). See what happens..

your processor specification has changed now..
Banzaii... ^^

Hide Folder into Control Panel System

Friday, 8 May 2009
Do you have a private folder to protect? of course theres many kind on softwares that uses to protect your access to some folders or area on your drive. But This tutorial will explain how to hide your folder into control panel system without software.

This works like similary shortcut. So when you click that, you will go to control panel, my computer, etc.. :p

Now right click on your folder then rename it with:
Control panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}


My Computer.{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

That value is become from string in registry. Which located in:



of course you can find the other strings that have similar function. :D

How To Create No Name Folder

Thursday, 7 May 2009
Have you ever seen the folder that not have name at it?? ^0^

In Windows XP, you will able to rename folder anything and whatever name you wish. But not if you try to let the folder left with no name. But this simple way allow you to do that. ;)

Just select folder you want to change, then hit F2 in keyboard. Then press: ALT + 0160 then hit Enter. Or ALT + 255.

Your folder will change with noname..:D

Super Hidden Folder

Wednesday, 6 May 2009
This is a simple way to deep hide your folder ^^

First thing you need is go to cmd:
- Start menu > Run > type cmd > enter
- Type where the drive that locate your folder want to hide. Ex: in drive D, then you just type it D: then enter.
- Type this command: attrib +s +h YourFolderName
- Finish ;)

To turn it back the hidden folder just go back to cmd, then type this:
attrib -s -h /s /d YourFolderName

yap, you just learned how to super hide / unhide files :)
This simple way also can use to unhide the folder that hided by some viruses.

Because of some viruses could hide file/folder, then you couldn't turn it back only from folder option menu.even if the viruses has deleted anyway.