Conficker , also known as Downup , Downadup and Kido , is a computer worm targeting the Microsoft Windows operation system that was first detected in November 2008. The worm uses a combination of advanced malware techniques which has made it difficult to counter, and has since spread rapidly into what is now believed to be the largest computer worm infection since the 2003 SQL Slammer . Conficker also known as a dangerous virus, but until now there's many removal tool that uses to clean this virus and their variant. some of them can find it here:
PCMAV conficker
Have you ever knowing there's a website that could possibly check your computer with some unique way. This site has an indicator that marked with some icons that appears or unappears on some icons if the computer positively infected by conficker. If you want to check your computer whether infected by conficker or not, just go to this site:
As you enter that site.. then hit Check for infection text..^^ There's 6 boxes that indicated by 6 icons like this:
(if you can see 6 icons appears, it might that your computer has clear from conficker virus and their variant. But if some icons there are missing one or more, that indicate that your computer was infected by conficker)
This is How to interpret:
This indicate that your computer infected by conficker C variant
This indicate that your computer infected by conficker A/B variant
Theres some possible combination that indicated your computer status. But it is best to visit this and try it your self than hear and read what im saying here..heheheh...:D
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